Last November 2020 there were 34.6 million unique visitors, 510,000 more visitors than in the same month last year The average daily internet consumption per person was 129 employee email database minutes in the month of November 2020 , according to the latest monthly report on this medium published employee email database by Barlovento Comunicación based on data from comScore's "MyMetrix" and on the employee email database behavior of individuals from more than 4 years. They are 7 minutes more than those consumed in the same period of the previous year and 2 minutes
more than those registered during the employee email database month of October 2020 . This report includes information on internet browsing time, the number of unique internet visitors, the ranking of sites and domains by unique visitors, the ranking of sites by browsing time and the total profile. employee email database Last November 2020 there were 34.6 million unique visitors , 510,000 more visitors than in the employee email database same month last year (1% more) and an identical figure to that harvested last month. During this period, the domains that have registered the
highest number of unique visitors employee email database have been , with 33.2 million, , with 32.2 million, and , 29.2 million. completes the top 5 with 26.3 million and with 24.3 million. The ranking of sites by unique visitors is employee email database headed by Google Sites (34.4 million), Facebook (32.6 million), Vocento (29.6 million), Prisa employee email database (29.2 million) and RCS MediaGroup – Unidad Editorial (29, 1 million). The list by consumption time during the month of November 2020 is led, in this